French Canadian (Acadian) travel enthusiast, nature lover, ambivert, passionate about learning from other cultures, and love to connect with people whose paths I cross. I fell in love with biketouring when I tried it for the first time, in 2018. After a few trips, I realized there isn’t a ton of information out there about this kind of traveling, and even less for women specifically.
What do I love about packing my life in a couple of bike panniers and riding hours on end? The freedom, the sense of adventure, the admiration of a scenery at a speed that allows being wowed by it, losing the sense of time, the satisfaction that comes from pushing my body’s limits, physically and mentally, in order to take me (and my belongings) from point A to point B, and finally, finding “the zone” – that meditative place. I also love the appreciation and gratefulness that comes for every meal, every shower, every night of restful, delicious, sleep.
Through this blog, I aim to, for one, share my passion for this, in my opinion, underrated way of traveling. I will also share practical knowledge and tips from my experiences, hoping they can be useful for someone else, along with personal stories from the road, in order to pay tribute to the immense privilege of being able to wonder at the beauty of this world, whether it be in the form of places discovered or people met along the way.